Autumn Aikido Seminar
Please join us this fall in Chicago as we welcome special guest instructor Claude Berthiaume Shihan, Chief Instructor of Aikido De La Montagne and Technical Committee Member, United States Aikido Federation.
October 19-20, 2024. All affiliations welcome!
Thanks to all who attended our O-Sensei Memorial Seminar with Peter Bernath Shihan, April 20-21, 2024.
Thanks to all who participated in Kangeiko, 10 days of winter practice!
Thanks to all who attended our Kagami Biraki Seminar with Vu X. Ha Shihan. We look forward to next time!
The MAC regularly hosts local, regional, and international seminars and special events. Many of the top instructors and students from around the world join us here in Chicago to share and learn new skills at these popular offerings.
Seminars are held at least three times per year at the MAC and have been instructed by Shihan (“teacher of teachers” in Japanese) such as Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan, the Chief Instructor of the USAF, and Yokota Shihan, 8th degree black belt from Aikido World Headquarters (Hombu Dojo) in Tokyo.
Special Events
We also observe many traditions and celebrations at the dojo, such as Kangeiko (Winter Training of 10 consecutive days), the Dojo Anniversary, and the Memorial Days of our founding instructor, Akira Tohei Shihan, and the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba (known as O-Sensei “great teacher” in Japanese).